Overcome Your Phobias and Fears with Hypnotherapy
Helping our clients resolve their fear and phobias with Hypnosis and Mindfulness since 2007. Here is a list of phobias that we work with regularly.
There are many other phobias that have not been mentioned below, we have experience of treating many of them.
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Agorophobia afraid of being out in the open, avoiding leaving the house or do you make excuses to family and friends not to go out
Social phobia afraid of social situations, are you always in the kitchen or in a corner at parties or gatherings or make excuses to turn down invitations to go out with friends
Fear of flying Do you avoid going on family holidays abroad, book flights and then have to cancel them, do you need to be drunk or drugged to fly?
Fear of spiders – Arachnophobia afraid of spiders, do you avoid the garden shed (dark places) Is your fear of spiders ruining your life?
Fear of needles avoid going to the doctors or dentists, refuse to have injections, is your fear of having an injection affecting your quality of life?
Fear of vomiting – Emetophobia get travel sickness, avoid drinking alcohol, afraid of getting ill or eating out because you may be sick?
Fear of Heights – Acrophobia avoid going to the top of tall buildings, land marks, does the thought of climbing a ladder scare you
Fear of Snakes – Ophidiophobia do you jump at the TV or a picture of a snake, refuse to look in a petshop or avoid friends with pet snakes?
Fear of the dentist Are your teeth in need of attention, would you rather be in pain then go to the dentist, make excuses like it’s too expensive or you just don’t have the time? Is your fear of going to the dentist affecting your way of life and your health?
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Client Reviews
Therapy for Anxiety, Phobias and Trauma
Arachnophobia, Adrian Sonnex, Morden Clinic
Elaine, Flying Phobia
I visited Adrian to try to overcome my fear of flying. I had two sessions before my flight to the USA and coped really well. The hypnotherapy definitely helped keep me calmer. (Four Stars) *
Caroline R, Public Speaking, Presentations
* Disclaimer : Please Note, the reviews on the page & website are not a guarantee of success. Hypnosis and mindfulness requires motivation and effort on the part of the individual