I live in Marrakesh, Morocco and was going through a very low patch emotionally, related to a dysfunctional relationship I was unable to get myself away from. Therapy options are virtually non existent here and a close friend, also in Morocco, on discovering my plight, highly recommended I contact Adrian as she had benefited hugely from therapy sessions with him via Skype.

Adrian quickly identified my need for Traumatic Incident Reduction, and I had several Skype sessions with Adrian which helped enormously and to the point that within less than 2 months I didn’t need any more sessions.

I found Adrian to be a genuine, warm, empathetic, humorous person, always professional and extremely supportive with a no-nonsense approach to the course of action I needed to embark on to recover from my emotional low point.

Without doubt it was money well spent, and knowing that I have access to Adrian via Skype should the need arise in the future is a source of comfort in itself. (Five Stars) *