“Me and my husband both have been seeing Adrian Sonnex of wellbeinghypnotherapy – Morden using hypnotherapy to stop us smoking and using cocaine. We found it worked excellent, we are now both free of smoking and cocaine for 3 years and never looked back. Adrian helped us to turn our lives around, he was such a big help to our family, always making sure that we addressed all our issues at the end of a session. He genuinely wanted us to do well and had our best interest all the way throughout our journey. I also recently saw him with my anxiety problem and to be honest I don’t know how I would have coped without him. He helped me to calm down and get rid of my fears with hypnotherapy, thanks to him I can fully enjoy my life again. I would recommend Adrian to anybody who would like to improve their lives whether it’s addictions, anger, depression or fears, I will always remember what he did for my family.” (Five Stars)*